Robbins Heating & Air Conditioning Blog : Archive for July, 2018

What Can Cause Low Indoor Air Quality?

Monday, July 30th, 2018

familyFor most homeowners, living comfortably means heating their homes effectively in the winter and cooling them reliably in the summer. Ideally, they’ll do so efficiently, too. We are here to remind you that true comfort demands more than just comfortable temperatures, though. You also need to know for certain that the air quality in your home is high. That is only going to be possible if you have the right indoor air quality systems in place.

Sure, some homes may have decent enough indoor air quality to get by without noticing major symptoms of low IAQ. Even in these homes, though, there is typically a lot of room for improvement. This begs the question of just why indoor air quality in Colorado Springs, CO would be low to begin with, though. In today’s post, we are going to explore some of the reasons for this. Some you can control, while others you can only hope to treat.

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How Do I Scale Back Cooling Costs (but Not My Comfort)?

Monday, July 16th, 2018

man-with-fanOkay, so you are not entirely pleased with the efficiency of your air conditioning system. Simply put, those energy bills are just getting a bit too much for comfort. So what do you do?  You could replace your air conditioner with a more efficient model—if you had the money to do so, which you don’t. You suppose that leaves you with just one option. Run the air conditioner less, and just put up with the discomfort that results from that decision.

No! Don’t do that. We are not here to pitch you a new AC that is both cheap enough for you to afford and incredibly efficient (though we are,  of course,  happy to help you find one if you’re ready!). We are here to share some simple tips regarding ways in which you can enjoy a more efficient performance from your existing air conditioning system, though. That way, you won’t have to compromise when it comes to your comfort or when you run your air conditioning in Woodland Park, CO.

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When Do I Replace My Air Conditioner?

Monday, July 2nd, 2018

old-acWell, gee, you may be thinking,  if my quizzes in school were this simple, I’d have been a straight-A student! I’ll replace it when breaks down,  of course! Well, if that’s the answer that you’d give us, then we’d flunk you right out of our classroom! Okay, so we’d probably just politely explain to you why that is not the proper course of action, but you get the point. We understand the inclination, but you definitely shouldn’t wait for a complete breakdown before replacing your AC.

When you need to have your AC replaced (or any other HVAC service in Colorado Springs, CO), we are definitely the company to call. And we know that you want to get the best span of service possible from your AC, but we are going to help you to understand how to do so without putting yourself in an uncomfortable situation. Replacing a bit early is far preferable to waiting around for a replacement in sweltering heat! 

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