If you keep a close track on your monthly utility bills, you’ll expect to see electricity use rise in summer. Your air conditioning system consumes a large amount of electricity to run (the compressor consumes about 3,500 watts per hour, more than almost any household appliance), so when the AC becomes a regular part of summer days, it will raise the electricity bill.
But what if the bill goes higher than you expected, and you know that your household hasn’t used the air conditioner more than unusual? If it isn’t due to an increase in the cost of electricity, you may have a faulty AC on your hands.
In many cases, professional air conditioning repair in Colorado Springs, CO can correct the trouble that’s making your AC expensive to run. Our technicians can quickly diagnose the issue and explain what needs to be done to your HVAC system to get it back in cost-effective shape.
Here are some of the more common causes of an AC costing too much to run:
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Tags: Air Conditioning Repair, Air Conditioning Replacement, Colorado Springs
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